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Cape Ball Tie

The Cape Ball Tie, in silk cady or heavy silk satin, is a new interpretation of the classic Ball Tie style – which gracefully drapes an ethereal cape across the shoulders. The cape is fully detachable, offering a transformative element to the look and is available in fine silk georgette, or a delicate lace.

The Absence of Roses Duchesse is 57% FSC certified viscose and 43% REACH certified silk. The goal of FSC is traceability within the textile supply chain. Plant-based fabrics such as viscose can be considered environmentally friendly if sourced from well-managed forests. The FSC is collaborating with Canopy to ensure sustainable management of forests and the welfare of workers worldwide.

We are now offering bespoke personalised one-to-one couture and made-to-order appointments digitally.

Tailored proposals will be compiled for each client, taking into consideration their event setting, preference of silhouettes, styles and finishing’s. Through the new process measurements will be taken digitally and fabric options sent directly to clients’ homes to create the most life-like Westwood semi-couture experience.